μC / OS-II multi-task information flow and the CAN bus driver

Based on the CAN bus ADμC812 Design of Intelligent Node

CAN bus based on ARM core and the gangue separation system

AT89C51 microcontroller based CAN bus-based Intelligent Node

DSP and CAN bus transmission speed and the integration of remote

The CAN bus based on 82 527 smart sensor node design

CAN bus expanders MCP25050

SN65HVD230-based CAN bus transceiver and application of the principle

Experiments based on CAN bus electrical system design guide

CAN bus Bit Timing Parameters

SHARC DSP with the SJA1000 CAN-bus interface

ECU Based on CAN Bus Multi-Platform Communication

CAN bus based on the non-intelligent adapter card design

DS80C410-based embedded CAN bus Dining Hall System

CAN-bus interconnects Gateway Design and Implementation

CAN bus based on embedded system and the overhaul of the manipulator control system

CAN bus in the central air-conditioning control system

CAN bus interface controller and the DSP

CANopen protocol of CAN bus

ARM-based CAN bus intelligent node