Common SEO practice

1, the page title tag by adding keywords, this is the most important.

2, keyword, description and keywords were added to the relevant keywords in the descriptions.

3, the article title with h1 tag, sub-heading is h2, h3 analogy, the article title should contain keywords as possible. H1 tags on a page can only be used 1-2 times, and more with no good!

4, contains the keyword text message or use <strong> <em> label.

5, in order to increase your site a number of external connections, to find sites relevant to the subject to do Link, preferably text links.

6, in the bottom of the page to write a text that contains keywords.

Note: No matter where the keywords are not a lot of accumulation. Web site's ranking with the points often age related, which means the longer your web site operators, search engines will think that the more authoritative your site, your ranking would be relatively front.

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